google-site-verification=b3VCGWIbfnH8YMJv2FDOSUFIS-3SMl_oO4YIOIgA1_Q Home Remedies for Period Pain (Reliver from Menstrual Crumps)



Home Remedies for Period Pain (Reliver from Menstrual Crumps)

 What to do if you have period pain

After 20-24 days, women's face a problem menstrual pain (Period pain), due to different Harmons in every women, they faced different pains and stretch marks also during pregnancy.

Period pain

In this, there is pain in the lower or back part, some one gets first, second or third day pain. Lack of blood can also be one of the main reasons for this. Its pain is unbearable.

To get rid of this pain, people also resort to medicine, and doctors also recommend bed rest. This pain also comes in the legs from the back. Therefore, we should adopt home remedies for this. Also get rid from irregular periods.

And at this time, we have to face many problems like - Headache, body pain, stomach swelling or cramps etc.

Today we have brought some similar tips for you which will be helpful in your pain.

1. Carom Seeds (अजवाइन)

We all know that carom seeds are most beneficial for the stomach, it relieves all stomach related diseases like stomach ache, cramps, gas or acidity. And carom seeds are also very effective in period pains.

We can drink it by boiling it in water or we can also drink it by adding honey. This will also bring great comfort in the period pain.

2.Mixture of cumin, turmeric and honey (जीरा,  हल्दी और शहद )

Boil all of these together and make a decoction of it and drink it, it will help a lot in pain.

3.Consuming cinnamon, papaya, carrot & basil also provides great relief in pain.

4.Turmeric milk

Turmeric milk

Also drinking turmeric milk also provides relief in pain, that turmeric provides heat to the body, which relieves the problems caused by period pains.

5.Consuming ginger, honey  & anise also gives a lot of relief in pain

Boiling all these in water and drinking it makes the pain less and also reduces the balance of blood.

6.Eat dried coconut, jaggery and asafoetida can also relieve pain.

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