google-site-verification=b3VCGWIbfnH8YMJv2FDOSUFIS-3SMl_oO4YIOIgA1_Q Foods to eat and avoid when you have kidney stones



Foods to eat and avoid when you have kidney stones

Foods to eat and avoid when you have kidney stones

Food to eat and Avoid in Kidney Stone

If we look at today's food, we may not be able to know which disease our body is exposed to, but the stone is such a disease that every member 
of the house definitely suffers.

Now what does stone have to be ??? Perhaps all of them know that we 
eat such things in our food, which take the form of stones in our kidneys. By the way, it is said that you should not eat raw rice, pulses, it makes stones in your body. It has been observed that it is 13 to 15% for men and 10 to 12% for women.

Many times it has been seen in people that kidney stones occur again and again. In this, people are asked to eat more fluids, this reduces the risk of frequent kidney stones, there is no side effect. It is said that people with kidney stones are at higher risk of getting chronic kidney disease.

Now let us know what is chronic 

kidney disease? (अब जान लेते हैं कि 

क्रॉनिक किडनी रोग होता क्या है)

Chronic Kidney Disease

This means that your kidney is damaged, which is not filtering the blood properly and is not even able to make urine. Due to this you also have many other problems like diabetes and blood pressure. Kidney never worsens together, it slowly worsens, before the disease becomes severe, people do not even know its true symptoms. If you are suffering from kidney disease, then blood test and urine test are the treatment in which you can know whether your kidney is working properly or not.

By getting a blood test, you also know about sugar because even if a person has sugar, the risk of kidney failure is increased. But we have two kidneys, if one goes bad, we can serve the other. But this does not mean that we do not take care of ourselves or take care of ourselves. If you also see any mild kidney related problems, then you should get it checked immediately.

Some of the common symptoms of this disease are such as - blood loss, loss of appetite, decreased urine, blood in urine, fatigue, high blood pressure, persistent itching in the skin, muscle cramps, nausea, sudden headache. , Frequent urination etc.

For this, you have to stay away from some substances like - do not consume alcohol and drugs, do not go in the vicinity of smoke, avoid toxic chemicals and fuel.

Foods to eat when you have kidney stones

Basil (तुलसी)

Tulsi leaves contain ingredients that reduce uric acid levels due to which stones are not formed in the kidneys. That is why drink one teaspoon of basil juice daily or eat 5 leaves of such basil. There will be no kidney stones and if anyone has stones in the kidney, it can disappear.

Coconut water (नारियल का पानी)

Coconut water is very beneficial for kidney stone patients, it contains ingredients that help prevent stone formation, it should be drunk regularly. Coconut water is rich in fiber and contains a special substance called an ant - lithogenic, which can prevent the kidney from getting stoned.

Herbal tea (हर्बल टी )

It is very beneficial to take herbal tea in kidney stone, herbal tea has properties to prevent kidney stone from occurring, so that kidney does not have stone. That is, it has the ability to stop the stone from growing.

Water (पानी )

Water is a very good medium to protect the kidney from stones, so drink as much water as possible. If our body remains hydrated, then the kidneys will work well and take out the urine. Therefore, you should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water throughout the day, so your kidneys will never be spoiled and you will also be healthy.

Citric fruit (सिट्रिक फल )

Fruits should be eaten that are not of water or are full of juice. Fluids should be consumed more. Now what are citric fruits like - seasonal, orange, lemon, tangerine, tomato (eat seeds removed) etc.

Foods to avoid when you have kidney stones

Spinach (पालक )

It is said that spinach should not be consumed by kidney stones because it contains oxalate which accumulates calcium and does not allow urine to pass. And in such a situation, if people with kidney stones eat spinach, then their condition may get worse. So avoid eating spinach.

Chocolate (चॉकलेट)

If you like eating chocolate, stop eating chocolate today and now. If you have a stone in your kidney, then chocolate is harmful for you because chocolate increases the risk of stone growing.

Tomatoes (टमाटर)

We eat tomatoes very much in our food but oxalates are also found inside tomatoes which harm people with kidney stones and if there is also tomato food in the stones, then take out its seeds.

Tea (चाय)

Doctors recommend that if you wake up in the morning, do not drink tea first because tea also causes stone damage. A cup of tea can increase the size of the stones, so you have to stop drinking tea.

Seafood and meat (सीफूड और मीट )

If you like eating seafood and meat, then you have to give up this food for your good health because it contains an element called purine which is harmful for the patients of stones. And this purine will increase uric acid levels in your body, which can cause kidney stones to grow.

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